Monday, December 29, 2014

List Twenty-Nine - My daily routine

In a much more upbeat mood today! I got all the housework done cheerfully, decorated my journal and read the Sunday paper - and yes, of course, I got up and went to church. I can't imagine not feeling better after that!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

List Twenty-Eight: Today I Choose To...

  • Go to Kohl's and hope they will put a new battery in my Seiko watch.
  • Go to OfficeMax and get printer ink and a new 2015 calendar
  • Come home and decorate my January journal
  • Read the Sunday paper
  • Take a nap because I got up at 8 AM
  • Skip AA if I feel like it
  • Read, read, read
  • Write in my journal
  • Chat with Paul at 10
  • Stay up late
  • Clean all the floors, dust, vacuum all the furniture and area rugs, clean my bathroom and de-clutter because Marie says our house is "filthy" (I think it looks fine) and we are having the retirees' lunch here this coming Friday. Monday I have the dentist, Tuesday Paul, and Wednesday is New Year's Eve and Thursday is New Year's Day, and Friday The Event (after which I see Paul   :)
  • Take out all the trash
  • Get all this done between church/Kohl's/OfficeMax and the 5:25 AA meeting
  • Spend time in the evening discussing meal planning
  • Realize that chatting with Paul at 10 probably goes over like a lead balloon
  • I have to be in bed by at least 2. Otherwise, Marie can't sleep.
If you know any prayers, start babbling them.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

List twenty-three: I Find Magic In...

I loved this prompt so much. I had  a wonderful time with it - kudos to the person who selected it!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

List Seven - What I think about in the shower

Who on earth thought this one up?

List Six - Favorite words to write

I am very tired and I've been sick for several days. Today I found out that a friend of the family was taken off life support and died this afternoon. I feel terrible and I don't have a creative bone in my body right now. So I just took a marker and a bunch of papers and wrote random things from my journal, scanned the paper and put it through a photo-editing program. There you have it, and I'm going to bed.

II am 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

List Two: "It's too early to..."

Got it finished and realized I'd misread the prompt; it is "It's too early FOR."  It was 3 AM by then - too LATE "for" me to re-do it!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day Thirty

Prompt was "On My Mind Today." No one is going to be able to read the cartoon I posted, but I just couldn't resist adding it.

So, this project comes to an end. Thirty days is probably enough - it was very time-consuming. I liked doing it,  but I'm a perfectionist, so each entry took me hours. Some participants just jotted lists and photographed them.

They're going to do this again in the spring. I want to participate, so I hope I can get the prompts!

Day Twenty-Nine

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day Twenty-Eight

I thoroughly loved doing this one.

Day Twenty-Seven

For all of this, I give thanks:

Day Twenty-Six

Prompt was: "Rules For Traveling With Me!"

Day Twenty-Five

This started out as a list, and turned into a blog entry.

So, after realizing that this isn't Thirty Days of Term Papers, I made this list.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day Twenty-Two

Prompt: This Week's Menu

I am not going here. I dislike cooking and anything related to it from meal planning to grocery shopping to putting things away to prepping meals to fixing food to washing dishes. Eating I can handle.

Day Twenty-One

I have no clue what a podcast is.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day Twenty

I had no trouble whatsoever with this prompt. My problem was horrible Firefox. IE version 11 doesn't support Blogger's dashboard. In order to get photos to upload to Blogger, I downloaded Firefox and it took over my whole computer. I tried to set IE as my default browser and just use FF for the purposes of this blog, but it wouldn't let me. And when Windows told me that IE WAS still my default browser, all my desktop shortcuts opened in Firefox. Disgusted, I uninstalled it and - with trepidation - installed Google Chrome, which I have fought from the get go because of the missing menu bar. Even so, it's much better than Firefox, and now I can blog to my heart's content!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day Seventeen

Prompt for today was: "Reasons to__________________" It's so funny how the mind works. Most people understood the prompt; the reasons were the list - and the lister got to choose the subject. I got it backwards. I thought I was supposed to make a list of as many things as I could think of, and why one ought to do each thing. I am either becoming very confused, very literal-minded or very disconnected from reality. I feel like I'm in la-la land.

The prompt was brilliant and my response was, in my opinion, pontificating and twisted.
I hope I do better tomorrow...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day Sixteen

Posters that were on my walls when I was growing up.

This prompt has to have originated from someone who was born in the seventies! However, I am a good sport, so here goes - posted early because I'm expecting a phone call from Paul.

Halfway Through: Musings

Here I am, at the halfway point. This has become a routine. At times, it's very time-consuming. I find that I'm quite a perfectionist; I've made the following observations as I've perused the contributions this round.
  1. Being a first-timer, I've been quite meticulous. I have to laugh when I see the password for getting into the site - it has no salience for me. I spend hours on these things.  
  2. I've noticed that some participants use pre-formatted albums with pockets and cards. That isn't my style. I did realize immediately that I'd be doing mine online and on a blog, an that I wanted a paper copy, so I designed a journal and have printed out the list for each day and pasted it in.
  3. Really, honestly and truly, I set out with the idea that this would be simple.   It isn't. That is probably why some seasoned "listers" go with the Sharpie-on-a-Post-It method, snapping a digital photo of it and posting it. I don't blame them. I wish I had the nonchalance to do that.  Instead, I find myself using multiple apps: Paint, Fotor, Phototastic, Photo Editor by Aviary, KVAD Photo Pro, Sketch, CollageIt, PhotoFaceFun and even Face in Hole. I've used the basic templates in Word and created some astounding effects, but I have yet to know how to turn them into .jpgs unless they're small enough to cut out with the snipping tool. So I tend to rely on Word to get started, since text can be pasted into Paint. I have downloaded several free fonts, and they've been a lot of fun, but when I break in the middle of something, I always forget what font I was using.
  4. Every list I have posted has been done with more than one app.
  5. Some people batch theirs. I do mine every day - the night before. I usually post as soon as I receive the prompt in my email. Sometimes it comes around 3 AM.
  6. I haven't read a book since starting this!
  7. Nor have I written much in my journal. My other blog is neglected as well.
  8. I am a narcissist. My picture is in too many of my entries. Why do I care if people know what I look like?
  9. I've never been into "scrapbooking." It was a big deal here in Rockford for a while, but most of the stores have shut down. I have my share of rubber stamps and pairs of scissors with fancy edges, but it's just more fun to do things on the computer - and your hands stay clean.
  10. I am certain that whoever conceptualized this project had the working person in mind and didn't expect that anyone would take as much time as I do. How long does it take to make a list? Five minutes. To present it artistically? Five hours! I'm glad I'm retired.
  11. This has renewed my interest in art, which was my major in college.
  12. Sometimes I worry that I'm doing it wrong.
  13. Sometimes I wonder if anyone looks at my lists.
  14. I feel guilty if I don't "like" lists posted on Facebook. But I have so little time for Facebook!
  15. Every time I do a list, I think of a prompt I'd love to contribute. Not the trite ones, such as "Who would play you in a movie about your life?" My mind is drawing a blank right now. At some point, though, I'd like to be more involved in this, behind the scenes.
  16. Are there men in this group? If not, why not?  There are men in my doll collecting groups on Facebook!
  17. Wonder how I'll feel when the month is over. Will I miss this, or be relieved it's done?
  18. This is a wonderful outlet for creativity.
  19. If I were still working, it would be almost impossible for me to refrain from working on it while on the job.
  20. Onward to List 16!

Day Fifteen

Favorite Cliches

Day Fourteen

Best Places to Find Inspiration

Very difficult not to be trite on this type of prompt. I did love doing this.

Day Thirteen

The Best Things About This Week

The very best thing is that I didn't take a drink. I'm a recovering alcoholic and I have a year of sobriety as of August 24, 2014.

Day Twelve

Must-haves for a night in!

This one took me over four hours.